hello gorgeous gals!!!!! Yesterday, I did a lovely family portrait shoot at Cultus Lake for one of my best friends – you may remember them from a few years back here I can’t believe how much these 2 not only look alike, but that they aren’t sisters. Guess which one is mom? hi Ford […]
things about me
Congrats Barry & Lauren | Rocknrollweddings.com
One of my dearest rocknroll friends, colleagues, photographer extraordinaire proposed to his gal this week. Of course Barry did it with rocknroll style, he proposed on stage after Lollapalooza with Jane’s Addiction and Dave Navarro taking the engagement photo. I thought this is the greatest.proposal.ever Congrats Barry + Lauren! x rocknrollweddings.com
Vineyard Tour | Okanagan wine photographer
It’s a wonderful week to go to the Okanagan and go on the Okanagan wine tasting tours… which is what we did to lead up to todays’ VINOCAMP !!!! Please come out and join us, I’ll be there snapping photos, there will be wine, cheese and wonderful fine folks to gab with. so fun.. see […]
and then the sky opened up…
and down came the rain I’ve ever seen more bizarre weather in my life… from a gorgeous hot sunny day to within 5 minutes, downpour… I found this video rad video on you tube to share with you a bit more of what I saw
Rest in Peace: Naomi Williams | Jacksonville wedding Photographer
She was such a beautiful soul. SUCH a beautiful soul. I met Naomi Williams at Image X in New Orleans in November 2008. She is a brilliant photographer from Jacksonville, Fl, and instantly we saw in each others eyes, that we shared the same vision, dream and passion. Naomi had me (+ Chelle) at hello! […]
I have the BEST clients in the world | Vancouver wedding photographer
Thank YOU – thank you blog stalker … you know who you are!!! This gift was sooooooooo not necessary, but very much appreciated and so kind ..much love back to you! forever xo
an E.T. CANADA EXCLUSIVE: the celebrity wedding of CSI’s Lauren Lee Smith | Vancouver Wedding Photographer
This Vancouver wedding photographer has shared some photos from the CSI celebrity wedding of Lauren Lee Smith getting ready, and the details of her wedding, and now would like to share with you a wedding clip from ET Canada. Also thanks to Samantha @ DREAMGROUP & Halfyard Designs for making the wedding details (and this […]
WHISKEY: it’s just another dog day afternoon | Vancouver Dog Photographer
Another beautiful morning in Vancouver… this is the beach I take my dog, Whiskey to swim. This morning I posted on my TWITTER that Whiskey and I were going down to the Ocean for a dip, which we do about 3 times a week, you may remember his post here (2007 – he was just […]
HAPPY EARTH DAY | Vancouver wedding + environmental photographer
HAPPY EARTH DAY!!!! From Wikipedia: Earth Day, celebrated April 22, is a day designed to inspire awareness and appreciation for the Earth’s environment. It is held annually during both spring in the northern hemisphere and autumn in the southern hemisphere. It was founded by U.S. Senator Gaylord Nelson as an environmental teach-in in 1970 and […]
SPRING is in the air… | Vancouver wedding + baby photographer
Can you smell it? Spring is in the air!!!! I’m so in loveeeeeee – with the weather in Vancouver is so beautiful right now..note to self – remember this in the winter during rainy season!!! Sorry for lack of blogging, so many big round bellies, newborns and engagement sessions I have been showing some love […]