She was such a beautiful soul. SUCH a beautiful soul.williams_family

I met Naomi Williams at Image X in New Orleans in November 2008.  She is a brilliant photographer from Jacksonville, Fl, and instantly we saw in each others eyes, that we shared the same vision, dream and passion.

Naomi had me (+ Chelle) at hello! Together, we were the 3 amigos + inseparable like young schoolgirls.


Such a contagious smile and a zest for life, we talked and talked and talked and loved the short time we had together. She was so excited to have classes and meet and learn from her mentors Lena Hyde, Chenin Boutwell, Jessica Claire, Jerry Ghionis+ she just melted when she met her favorite, Jesh.


She was 29, a loving wife, mother of her small son, Jake.  Wednesday July 1, she lost her battle with cancer.

Having just had 3 of my loved ones been diagnosed in the past week (one with stage 4) I can truly sympathize with this family.

Please send out prayers and thoughts of love, hope and strength for the family of Naomi. Please visit their site for more info or ways to help- Pictures of Hope .  Pictures of Hope is a collaborative response initiated by family and friends of Naomi Williams.  Please join us as we support an incredible woman who has had a huge impact on our community. This initiative and Blog is for sharing hope, information, dreams, thoughts, prayers and support. DONATIONS ARE APPRECIATED.


Naomi, I love you so much and will keep all our fonds memories, laughs, chats, advice you gave me 😉 + love always close to my heart!   x
