
chose one spouse then the best photographer

I won a SHOOTSAC !!!

I love getting mail!!! I mean REAL mail not just bills – how excited was I today when in UPS man rang my door bell and presented me with this… I screamed!  I mean could it be????? It was!!! MY VERY OWN SHOOTSAC sent with love from Jessica Claire herself!  How cute are these bags?! […]

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Adrienne + HY = Vancouver, Richmond, Yaletown, Hart House 09.13.08

Holy smokes… If this wasn’t the wedding of all weddings, I don’t know what is?! 🙂 HY and his boys rolling up in their SUV to Adrienne’s parents house – with Sabotage (Beastie Boys) blasting to rescue his princess and play games to make himself worthy of their daughters love. With 2 ceremonies, in both […]

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lucky girl I am!!!!!

It’s no secret I have the BEST clients!!!!!! but holy cow~ a very unexpected surprise happened to ME yesterday when I went location scouting with Adrienne and HY who are getting married TOMORROW!!!!!!!! how lucky am I to get a gift?~!!!!!  in a little blue box no less!!!!! Adrienne bought ME a matching Tiffany necklace!!!!! […]

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the “Hubbers” are gettin hitch! newly engaged – Here comes Tara and Graeme!!!!!

Times in my building are a changing @ my building – the HUB. Four years ago, we all bought our first condos together and now everyones – getting married and I’m still looking that sparkling thing on MY finger!!!!  always the wedding photographer and never the bride (joooooooooo-king!!!!!) Remember Lori (my old neighbour and friend […]

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I’m heading EAST people – but still booking in the WEST….Vancouver/Ottawa wedding photography

hello blog-stalkers…quick update – on me! HOLY CRAZY, WONDERFUL summer!!!!!!! thanks for all your love, support, weddings, children, rockshows, parties, and events.  I loved you, and every second of it! Thanks for hiring me and believing in my vision… As my birthday approaches (VIRGO) and it’s time to reflect on life….i have new news to […]

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