I love getting mail!!!

I mean REAL mail not just bills – how excited was I today when in UPS man rang my door bell and presented me with this…

I screamed!  I mean could it be?????

It was!!! MY VERY OWN SHOOTSAC sent with love from Jessica Claire herself!  How cute are these bags?! 🙂  Remember, I bought a cover for my birthday (here) so excited I now have a shootsac for my cover!

I was fortunate enough to meet her in person in New Orleans a week or so ago and take a class with her.  I played a little game with myself called “I can spot a shootsac” and this is what i saw. I grabbed these snaps that won me a shootsac!

my guess this is a “best seller” cover 😉

I can’t remember all these lovely photographers names (but if you see this, please send me a note and I’m happy to add you here – I remember the middle guy is from Vancouver)

Order your shootsac today fellow photographers!!!  They are awesome!