Happy Happy….HOLIDAYS!

Sorry, I have a bit m.i.a. this week – I have been in meeting with lovely lovely couples for 2008, booking like crazy, a few shoots and working on my new website (very exciting!!!!!!) I know most of you are closing up shop this week, and I am just wishing you all the best this […]

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As many of you close shop for the holidays, we are still busy little elves at Hubbard Photography and will be here working and creating magic through the season.just wanted to send you all a happy holiday greeting during this festive time! hohoho!!! love angie and whiskey

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Brian and Andrea are currently in Edmonton for Andrea’s work Xmas party. They have emailed and called me numerous times and said they have had nothing but wonderful feedback from their friends and family about their wedding photos. you may remember their wedding day click here but here incase you missed the gala – here […]

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It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas

If you know my at all.. I LOVE holidays! That’s why I feel I have the BEST job in the WORLD – many celebrations! It’s December 1st, we have had our first snowfall of the year, my Christmas shopping is allll DONE (image that, this year I am avoiding the stores), our photo-shoot for today […]

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With the holidays approaching, and the weather outside being so lovely… a nice gift would be family portraits for your friends and loved ones! If you are thinking about having family photos, headshots or Xmas card photos… please call us sooner then later to book an appointment. Sadly, all of our weekends are full doing […]

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an early Xmas?!!

Sorry for we have taken a mini-holiday this week… not by choice but because Santa brought us an early Xmas present that we are a BIT addicted to.my nephew has also been visiting this week from Ottawa, he came to see Vancouver before jetting off down underthis is him 10 hours later…I’m really surprised my […]

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