www.beyondbellies.com | dog toy

WHISKEY is OBSESSED with this new toyI brought him this toy from the pet store, and now, I might as well throw out all his others, because this is all he wants. He keeps hiding it, finding it, squeeking it and burring it and making me throw it and then hides it again. I’m happy […]

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Ok, I was challenged by my peers and I challenge you to blog about your resolutions and we’ll revisit this next year – same time 🙂 hmmmm… my 2008 resolutions are: 1. education – take more classes to educate myself in business and life.2. health – laugh everyday, workout more, listen to more music.3. travel […]

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Hooray – NEW SITE!

well, the website is ALMOST done… until then I have created a new fan club site on FACEBOOK! Please feel free to join it, add your wedding photos or baby photos, or any photos I have taken for you on it. Pass this fun site along to friends, engaged friends, pregnant friends or even your […]

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Friendship never ends…

When my one of my best friends from high school, called me up saying she was coming to town, with her family and would like some portraits done – I was soooo excited. I haven’t seen Wendy for about 8 years! I was giddy to hear her voice, and couldn’t wait to see her and […]

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Once day (a girl I had met in a consultation weeks before) called me from Whistler, late at night, while vacationing with her family and said yes, yes, yes…we want YOU to be our photographer for our wedding!!!! Little did I know at that time, this girl would happen to become one of my bestest […]

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