Month: October 2008

Happy Halloween

Whiskey and I are sooooooooo excited – this is the first year we have a HOUSE to decorate and pass out goodies!  I didn’t get many kids, if any in my old abodes…. more photos to come, until then.. happy halloween!

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OTTAWA DOG BLOG interviewed me! :) | Ottawa dog photographer

Dog Photographer Profile: ANGELA HUBBARD Ottawa Dog Blog had the chance to interview photographer, Angela Hubbard from Beyond Bellies. Angela is new to Ottawa, having just moved here from Vancouver. Name: Angela Hubbard | BEYOND BELLIES PHOTOGRAPHY Location: Ottawa, ON Website: Camera(s): canon 5d – canon 1d mark II How would you classify or […]

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i love Autumn and happy families!

Sorry again for being a bad blogger…and thanks or all your emails asking me to update the blog.. between photoshoots, editing weddings, creating wedding albums, being at the Ottawa Studio and Vancouver studio as well New Orleans and a world portrait tour… I have missed blogging.. so here you go… more to come! When I […]

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I won a SHOOTSAC !!!

I love getting mail!!! I mean REAL mail not just bills – how excited was I today when in UPS man rang my door bell and presented me with this… I screamed!  I mean could it be????? It was!!! MY VERY OWN SHOOTSAC sent with love from Jessica Claire herself!  How cute are these bags?! […]

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Today and this weekend we are taking a few days off to celebrate Canadian Thanksgiving. Hubbard Photography has been non-stop working, jet-setting, album creating, image capturing… so we decided to stop, take a break and spend time with our families as well as eat yummy food and give thanks for what we have to share […]

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a “MUST HAVE” for this season (specially for you moms) deadline for Xmas orders – Oct 31, 2008

Luxe Design (my wonderful friends Joanne and Andrea) has been hand selected to create exclusive, customized jewelry for 21 celebrity moms and dads! The celebrities include; Katie Holmes, Gwen Stefani, Halle Berry, Salma Hayek, Jennifer Lopez, Matthew McConaughy and Gwenyth Paltrow. Necklaces were customized by adding the birth date of their children, a birthstone charm, […]

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Shooting with Jessica Claire in New Orleans

About a year ago, I made a pack to myself to educate.  Educate my clients as to what exactly they are paying for when they hire me and my services, as well to educate myself to keep up with technology, meet other photographers from around the world, as there is strength in numbers and teach […]

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Howdy y’all from New Orleans…

Working as a professional photographer for the past 15 years, I have been around the world and back.  I know, I have had a very blessed career and I never take that for granted.  Between living and working in Hollywood, Vancouver, photographing with celebrities and working for ROLLINGSTONE… and I finally get to share with […]

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