Some of you may already know the smiling face of this beauty.

My gorgeous assistant photographer, Tenille, is almost ready to have her second child.  I love how much you glow!!!! eeeeeeeeeeee

Its such a blessing to be Vancouver maternity photographer.

Vancouver newborn photographer Angela Hubbard Photography

so gorgeous you are my dear

Vancouver newborn photographer Angela Hubbard Photography

another beautiful girl to add to her family. Arielle is super excited to be a big sister. She’s already named her sister ‘princess sparkle baby’

Vancouver newborn photographer Angela Hubbard Photography

Vancouver newborn photographer Angela Hubbard Photography

Vancouver newborn photographer Angela Hubbard Photography

and Steve is a proud papa (I think Arielle wore the hello kitty sweater just for me 😉  meow!)

Vancouver newborn photographer Angela Hubbard Photography

Vancouver newborn photographer Angela Hubbard Photography

Vancouver newborn photographer Angela Hubbard Photography

Can’t wait to meet the new addition. xoxoxo

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