A big shout out to my very very dear friend, Kevin Eubanks of Tonight Show who has been Voted Sexiest Vegetarian Man.

Following a week-long rally by Jay Leno, Tonight Show band leader Kevin Eubanks has been voted PETA’s World’s Sexiest Vegetarian man for 2007. Leno couldn’t be happier about Kevin Eubanks’ triumph. He mentioned the contest several times during the past week and said that he went to PETA’s Web site to vote for Eubanks, noting that he “want[ed Kevin] to win to bring honor to [the Tonight Show] stage.” Tonight Show viewers logged on in large numbers, pushing Kevin Eubanks ahead of his competitors. Long known for his buff body — in addition to his musical skills — Eubanks has said, “Every night before the show, I make sure [my] guitar is perfectly tuned. And every day, I do the same for my body — with healthy, vegetarian meals. It’s the easiest way to stay fit and feel great.”

Congrats Doc – I have to agree with our voters out there 😉 xoxo