You can take a wedding photographer to a wedding, but you can’t take the camera out of her hand 😉

OMGGGGGGGG!!!!! This past Sunday, was one of the most special days EVER!!!

One of my best friends Bridgette got married to her love Biff.  I was so excited and thrilled to attend a wedding with all of my closest friends.

A time to celebrate and enjoy the union of such a wonderful couple.  There was an official wedding photographer who did an amazing job  (I was watching closely) but yipiee – I got to enjoy myself!!!

I will say, I  just couldn’t help myself sneak and snap a few detail shots because they were just AMAZING!!!

Bridgette did it all herself (with help from the ladies 😉 ) and it was sooooooooooo Bridgette.

Vancouver wedding photographer Angela Hubbard Photographer

Angela Hubbard Photography Vancouver wedding and destination photographer

The wedding was at an amazing venue in LA

Vancouver wedding photographer Angela Hubbard Photographer

Angela Hubbard Photography Vancouver wedding and destination photographer

Vancouver wedding photographer Angela Hubbard Photographer

Vancouver wedding photographer Angela Hubbard Photographer

Angela Hubbard Photography Vancouver wedding and destination photographer

Vancouver wedding photographer Angela Hubbard Photographer

Vancouver wedding photographer Angela Hubbard Photographer

Vancouver wedding photographer Angela Hubbard Photographer

Vancouver wedding photographer Angela Hubbard Photographer

Vancouver wedding photographer Angela Hubbard Photographer

Vancouver wedding photographer Angela Hubbard Photographer

Angela Hubbard Photography Vancouver wedding and destination photographer

such an amazing job on details and then the wedding… i cried – of course

Vancouver wedding photographer Angela Hubbard Photographer

Biff walked down with his children. They all looked AMAZING!!!

Vancouver wedding photographer Angela Hubbard Photographer

and then the beautiful Bridgette… stunning..STUNNING!!! my gorgeous friend, I LOVE YOU TO BITS!!!!

Vancouver wedding photographer Angela Hubbard Photographer

Vancouver wedding photographer Angela Hubbard Photographer

Vancouver wedding photographer Angela Hubbard Photographer

Vancouver wedding photographer Angela Hubbard Photographer

Vancouver wedding photographer Angela Hubbard Photographer

Vancouver wedding photographer Angela Hubbard Photographer

Vancouver wedding photographer Angela Hubbard Photographer

Vancouver wedding photographer Angela Hubbard Photographer

so pretty…now let the party begin!!!!

Vancouver wedding photographer Angela Hubbard Photographer

angela Hubbard Photography Vancouver wedding and destination photographer

angela Hubbard Photography Vancouver wedding and destination photographer

angela Hubbard Photography Vancouver wedding and destination photographer

Angela Hubbard Photography Vancouver wedding and destination photographer

even the butter was spectacular 😉

angela Hubbard Photography Vancouver wedding and destination photographer

Vancouver wedding photographer Angela Hubbard Photographer

Vancouver wedding photographer Angela Hubbard Photographer

our handsome groom – LOVE the bow-tie and boutonniere.

Vancouver wedding photographer Angela Hubbard photography

how CUTE are they????

Vancouver wedding photographer angela hubbard photography

Vancouver wedding photographer Angela Hubbard photography

and it was great to see Bonnie + Johnny

Vancouver wedding photographer angela hubbard photography

and Rick + Paige (remember they got married at Frank Sinatra’s house in Palm Springs)

Angela Hubbard photography Vancouver and destination wedding photographer

Vancouver wedding photographer Angela Hubbard photography

Vancouver wedding photographer Angela Hubbard photography

Vancouver wedding photographer Angela Hubbard photography

Vancouver wedding photographer Angela Hubbard photography

Vancouver wedding photographer Angela Hubbard photography

Vancouver wedding photographer Angela Hubbard photography

my FAVORITE part were the lasagna cupcakes! mmmmmmm

Vancouver wedding photographer Angela Hubbard photography

Vancouver wedding photographer Angela Hubbard photography

Vancouver wedding photographer Angela Hubbard photography

Vancouver wedding photographer Angela Hubbard photography

Vancouver wedding photographer Angela Hubbard photography

If you know me at all – I am the BIGGEST GLEEK!!!! I was starstuck when I saw my crush, Kevin McHale (Artie Abrams)

Vancouver wedding photographer angela hubbard photography

Vancouver wedding photographer angela hubbard photography

Vancouver wedding photographer angela hubbard photography

Vancouver wedding photographer angela hubbard photography

I’ve never seen her happier and more beautiful then on her wedding.

Vancouver wedding photographer angela hubbard photography

Vancouver wedding photographer angela hubbard photography

I loved the father/daughter dance. Especially Em’s sparkly chucks!

angela Hubbard photography Vancouver and destination wedding photographer

and of course my friends!!!

Angela Hubbard Photography Vancouver wedding and destination photographer
angela Hubbard Photography Vancouver wedding and destination photographer
these still crack me up!!!!
Angela Hubbard Photography Vancouver wedding and destination photographer
angela hubbard photography vancouver wedding photographer
Bridgette + Biff: I LOVE YOU SOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH!  thank you for having me.
I love you I love you I love you! xoxoxo