John Alexander @ 6 months

Hi, remember me?! My name is John, you can see my newborn photos here.I can now open my eyes, and see the wonderful world around me.For father’s day, I called over my favorite photographer, Angela Hubbard to take some photos of me at 6 months and of my family. This is me and my dad, […]

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Happy Anniversary Gloria and Dean!!!!!

I just can’t believe sometimes how time flies! One year ago Gloria & Dean got married at the Four Seasons in Vancouver. Glo owns the FLOWER FACTORY my favorite favorite florist in town! Here’s a few snaps of what you can have for your big day!Also for some scrumdidilly yum cakes like this, contact April […]

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If you know me at all – it’s no secret that I LOVE Gwen Stefani. Tonight’s show was supporting the Sweet Escape Tour. This is the 7th time I have photographed her and as always, she’s full of energy, lots of costume changes and had a great band and some sick dancers!for more images of […]

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Zita & Keith = Love | 06.15.07

Meet Zita and Keith. 2 people who are so crazy in love with each other I couldn’t stop talking about their relationship. Their love is infectious.Our Eco-Friendly couple love the water and beachWith homes in Malta, Victoria and Vancouver, a wedding on the Island and Keith popping the question in the majestic north western coast […]

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With the humidex reading at 38 – my god daughter, Katrina, pulled me out of the air conditioned house and reminded me again about the value of balance. All work and no play…just isn’t right.We took a half hour swim break before lunch 🙂 – then back to editing it was!I love you!!!! xoxo

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TORONTO – 06.07.07 – 06.10.07

What a whirlwind!!! North by North East was a BLAST this weekend. Due to poor cell service and dodgy internet… a big sorry to those I didn’t get to catch up with.This weekend was a SUNNY fun filled music weekend, some shopping at my favorite stores, meeting LOTS of new friends and seeing lots of […]

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I love my ‘job’ soo much, because it allows to to travel around the world meeting new faces and making new friends. Meet the Clarksons!a wonderful family that lives in Ottawa just down the road from my best friend. Due to the overwhelming response Facebook gave me, for my family photography site BEYOND BELLIES, I […]

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