Thank you to my good friend Rob for making me a fan club site on Facebook. It started out as a bit of a joke, but it humbles me that almost 300 of you have signed up! Thanks so much for your support and love! click here to view it – anyone can join. As […]

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Happy Thanksgiving To my clients, friends and family south of the border, I am thankful to have you in my life and that THANKS and LOVE doesn’t need a passport to cross the border – hee hee xo

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over 20,000 hits HERE since April

WOW! My blog has had over 20,000 hits since April! I’m overwhelmed and honored!I started my blog as a journal for me and my family back east, but i can see it has reached out to a few more people then that!Fellow photographers, fans, clients, friends…Please feel free to post comments, drop emails and notes […]

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www.angelahubbard.com | FULLY LOADED

Sometimes I forget my rocknroll roots. don’t get me wrong….I love photographing weddings, but the reason I started following my passion was for 2 reasons, rock and roll. Having a blessed career working with Rolling Stone for the past 13 years, then moving more into the wedding field (following my return move back to Vancouver) […]

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seeking part time admin person…

Ola, fellow friends and fans. I’m looking to hire – It’s getting busier and busier at Hubbard Photography and it’s time I posted here and wanted to see if anyone is interested in a part time gig working with me. The perfect person would be someone who likes photography, is VERY organized, skilled in accounting/bookkeeping […]

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New York City

I recall… central park in fallhello blog stalkers, thanks for your emails wanting to see some NYC images. Here are a few that I feel represent my trip other then shopping, shooting, eating, and everything else one does in NY… EmpireLennonLettermanI loved every minute i was there! xo V for everything!Time Square

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I’m back from the big apple!

I’m back from my trip to NYC! How fun is that city?!as my friend V states – there is a reason why they created the logo as I LOVE NY!I am booked with meetings today and a shoot on the weekend, but I am able to take appts on the holiday Monday, Tuesday and Thursday […]

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We are super excited the Westcoast Bridal Guide, chose to featured my June 30th couple, the love story of Firouzeh and Shadpour.You can view their engagement session hereTheir wedding day photos hereor a slide show of the complete wedding day click here!

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Creme de la Creme wedding show

Today has been a busy busy busy Sunday. Thank goodness it’s my ‘downtime’ season.2 family portrait photoshoots, packing for my trip to NYC, running the dog to the dog beach and of course I had to pop my head into Creme de la Creme – the biggest and best wedding show of the year this […]

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