U2-3D – Go see it NOW!!!!

to quote the REPLACEMENTS: You be me for a while, and I’ll be you!!!! For over 15 years now, I have had people say: “I’ll be your assistant for (blah blah blah) rockshow?!” doesn’t matter what show, I always seem have a volunteer to carry my gear! The only problem is I can never get […]

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Now scheduling appts for the week of FEB 5th

Hi there, I’m now back in Panama City and will be returning to Vancouver on Monday night and have started booking appointments for Tuesday. Wednesday is already booked, but Tuesday and the rest of the week I am available. Please drop me an email to schedule and appt. Thanks for your patience and look forward […]

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Checking in from Panama! Sorry I have been out of touch, as internet here at the beach has been a bit dicey out here.Lots of photos and blogs soon to come the moment I get home! Thanks for all your emails and well wishes about my friend. You are all too kind. Bless you! Off […]

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