Sweet Victory!

It’s been a tough few weeks, and I’m sorry if I have been m.i.a. but I’m backkkkkkk and never been better! My forever belief of: “the truth, will set you free” has. If I didn’t believe it before, I look out my window at a huge double rainbow in the sky – this is more […]

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Spring is in the air!!!

Today may have been the perfect day! Gorgeous weather, good friends, great pooch and a little retail therapy! Who can ask for anything more! a new yoga outfit (or 2) for my new BIKRAM craze…a pair of new shoes at Gravity Pope and some snazzy jeans from Jonathan and Olivia something for Whiskey and some […]

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www.hubbardphotography.com | Lunar Eclipse

A total lunar eclipse occurs when the full moon passes into Earth’s shadow and is blocked from the sun’s rays that normally illuminate it. During an eclipse, the sun, Earth and moon line up, leaving a darkened moon visible to observers on the night side of the planet. The moon doesn’t go black because indirect […]

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thank you blog stalkers!!!!!

As most of you know, I have become a bit of a blogaholic, love my blog as well as checking my stats – DAILY!!!! I have had over 30,000 hits in less then a year…I see everyone that comes to my blog, starting from Maple Ridge, all the way through the US and across over […]

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www.beyondbellies.com | FRANCES

My friends and neighbours, Patrick and Joanna have the most beautiful family. Frances is such a delightful baby. I couldn’t help myself by inviting myself over to snap a couple of photos to share with you!Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeere’ssssssssss Frances!of course I can’t forget Hamish!thanks for letting me pop over, and remember…anytime you need a babysitter.. I’m just […]

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ADRIENNE + HY | winter session

You must be asking yourself whatever happened to Adrienne and HY – What are those crazy kids up to now?!my old neighbours, Adrienne and HY are getting married in September – I know you remember them from their fall session here , well to prove their love is every lasting through all seasons, this weekend, […]

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