Meet Brenda CadmanI’ve known Brenda for many, many years. She’s a mother, a friend, a wife, an entrepreneur, a social media genius and a wedding specialist. Our paths re-connected last year, when after saying it so often, we actually met for lunch to catch up. While chatting, found out she too was now in the wedding industry. She casually mentioned she was attending a workshop in Vegas called, Wedding MBA which landed on my birthday. So I naturally invited myself to join her, because why wouldn’t I !! hahah 3 key words, wedding, Vegas, birthday…. and what a great time we had.
I was lucky to meet her lovely family yesterday, as well as photograph her new headshots. How adorable is she, and a joy to photograph!
This gal is all business. follow her website here. Helping many people in the wedding industry market and master their craft is what she does best. Weather it’s s.e.o., sales, pr, she’s got something for everyone to help you get further ahead in the wedding world. Her monthly members only website also brings in guest speakers to share their business building strategies. A wealth of resourceful information, all on one place.. please join and I’ll see you in the chat room.
Thanks Brenda it was super fun to hang out with you and your family on the hottest day of summer so far!!