A gaggle of gals of Vancouver’s finest wedding photographers, ran for the border Thursday morning to take advantage of cross-border shopping, dinner in some fabulous restaurants, and to sleep in some posh hotels in Seattle.  My dog, Whiskey had his own mini-holiday & blog as you can see here – courtesy of his new friend “Uncle Jason”.


Daniela Cuiffa, Kari Heese , Anita & Gina, Jasalyn Thorne and I

In my blessed career as a rock and roll photographer for Rolling Stone and as an invited celebrity and red-carpet event photographer I have often been asked by friends, and peers to share stories from touring with rocknroll bands and being ‘on the road‘ and being backstage with them. “What is so-and-so like? “, “Who made you star stuck?”….  In this blog, I feel blessed and honor to share with you 2 of the biggest mentors/rockstars I have EVER met. Joe Buissink and Yervant!


above featured is Jas, Joe, Me, Yervant and J Garner (a supermodel, a top 10 wedding photographer in the WORLD & founder of Boda bags – how’s that for a plug – J ??? 😉 )

KING Yervant turned the big 5-0!  Happy Birthday!!!!


Who are they???? you ask!   They are masters of their craft, who have had passion for 15 years + in photography to earn the right to be called masters!!!!  Together, they combined their forces to bring a mind blowing mentor mini-workshop put on by Graphi Studios. This is who makes me awe struck.  Because of attending this workshop, I am a stronger, better person and photographer, by meeting them (again) and seeing them in action.  Also so lucky to have met new peers that share my passion, and the challenge of pushing myself to the next level in my art.

Thank you Joe, for re-confirming my beliefs, sharing your ‘secrets‘ (of which there are none) and sharing your eye, talent and vision and love to us. You are a true mentors and I feel blessed to have attended.

joebandme.jpg self portrait taken by J. Buissink himself!

on a side note, Joe has also photographed a book called Autism Heros  and there is a special in which air on ABC tonight at 630p if you can catch it.  Please watch.

xx angie