sent from my friend Liz and she suggested that I re-post….so i did


Some of you may tear up at DeBeers commercials, and some of you may gag, but few would argue that engagement and wedding rings are a romantic gesture with deep symbolism. Whether you are the type who goes for flaunting traditional bling, or a non-traditionalist who got engaged with a soda can pop-top, there is something beautifully symbolic about the tradition of exchanging rings to symbolize a long-lasting commitment to your partner. And with the ring so begins Inhabitat’s Green Wedding Series. A number of the Inhabitat writers have gotten hitched with green weddings recently, and having just come through the process – we’ve got a lot of information to share on how to make your wedding day as green as they come. Let’s start by taking a green look at one of the most enduring modern wedding traditions: the ring…

Read the rest of Inhabitat Green Wedding Series: Eco Wedding Rings