I’m backkkkkk in Vancouver and back to booking shoots and meetings here 🙂 On my last adventure, I just got back from photographing in Palm Springs @ the Ace Hotel. This hotel has to be one of the raddest hotels I have photographed in. It was so cool and perfect to photograph these two hipsters, […]
CALIFORNICATION | wedding photographer
Hi blog readers, I’m away in sunny Southern California until October 27th. Please feel free to text me at 604-721-7625 or email me. It may take me a few minutes to get back to you. xo contact me | weddings | rocknroll | babies + lifestyle | twitter | facebook
Namaste | Vancouver yoga + portrait photographer
NAMASTE contact me | weddings | rocknroll | babies + lifestyle | twitter | facebook
Hawaii, the adventure continues | Vancouver portrait photographer
Aloha! Today on the advenutres of FOTOCHICK – I sit and edit a few images of the images I have been documenting here, I can’t help but share with a few of more of the magic that surrounds me. This place is SPECTACULAR! It’s 6am and the colors are so surreal at this time of […]
FIRE DANCING | Vancouver portrait photographer
Fire dancing (also known as “fire twirling,” “fire spinning,” “fire performance,” or “fire manipulation“) is a group of performance arts or disciplines that involve manipulation of objects on fire. Typically these objects have one or more bundles of wicking, which are soaked in fuel and ignited. Some of these disciplines are related to juggling or […]
HAWAII HELICOPTER + Volcano PICS | Vancouver portrait photographer
By popular demand, this Vancouver portrait photographer has been asked to post a few more Hawaii pics.. ok, so today I think I will post one of the coolest things I have ever done. We took a helicopter around the Big Island in Hawaii. Our flight was around the world’s most active volcano. Kilauea. It […]
aloha | Hawaii portrait photographer
hello internets – this Vancouver portrait photographer is just checking in from Hawaii!!! WOW – the things I have seen, photographed and experienced here have been incredible and surreal! more to post… soon I kind of feel I’m on Fantasy Island with Mr. Roarke and Tatoo.. de plane, de place… aloha! contact me | weddings […]
WPPI | Vancouver wedding photographer
Just back from WPPI in Vegas – BEST.TIME.EVER! every year i go i learn so much and have a really great time – big shout outs go to J*, Becker, Katya, Nate + Jac, Simon McC, Rob G, Jason D and the Bebbs for keeping it real. and now.. may wedding season officially begin contact […]
LA Rambla, Barcelona | Vancouver destination photographer
If you know me at all, you know I LOVE COLOR!~~ and I found it in my travels. I found it on one of my favorite streets in Barcelona – on La Rambla. La Rambla is a street in central Barcelona, popular with both tourists and locals alike. A 1.2 kilometer-long tree-lined pedestrian mall between […]
Sagrada Familia | Vancouver destination photography
The Temple Expiatori de la Sagrada Família (official Catalan name; Spanish: Templo Expiatorio de la Sagrada Familia; “Expiatory Church of the Holy Family”), often simply called the Sagrada Família, is a massive, privately-funded Roman Catholic church that has been under construction in Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain since 1882 and is not expected to be complete until […]