CUBA | cemetery

One of my favorite parts of our Cuba trip was visiting the cemetery. It goes on and on and on forever, and all are burried above ground in marble tombs with wonderful sculptures to celebrate the loved ones life. Many of Cuba’s most historically important figures from the worlds of politics, sports and entertainment are […]

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CUBA – the people

Cuban people can be very unique. They get by with what they have….here is what i saw and would like to share with you…. Pam and I both brought bubble for the kids.. this smile made it all worth while for us… bless you all, was such a blessing to meet you and hear you […]

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I LOVE getting mail !!

I love, love, love, getting mail. I mean actual mail, I love email too but there is nothing like a card or note that someone took the time to write out and construct for you.  – I get enough bills and flyers, so this somethin somethin is always super nice to get. I got a […]

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the TREWS in Cuba | 04.09.08

Canadians unite in CUBA! The Trews played a concert in Cuba for contest winners across Canada and to kick off their summer tour for their new album, Den of Thieves.   John-Angus, Colin, Jack and Sean always put on such a great show.  What a BLAST – Thanks for everything and the VIP treatment… we […]

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off to CUBA!!!

 I know and I’m sorry I have been a HORRIBLE blogger.  I have many many many posts that I will or should have posted, but sadly, you’ll have to wait at least another week for any as I will be on a working/holiday on the beach in Cuba. If you are trying to reach me, […]

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Why spend money on Professional photos you ask?! I was just sent this snip… see for yourself!

Get Professional Photos of Your Children (stolen from: original link click title) I’ve never forgotten an invaluable piece of advice that I heard from an older friend right after my first child was born. She told me, “One of my greatest regrets about my children’s childhoods was that I didn’t have more professional pictures taken.” […]

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and we are having a sale! It’s time to spring clean and we decided – why not bring in this new season, with discounting some services and products. So there you have it!  DONE!  Please call to inquire! Also I want to throw in here, we are accepting only a few more dates for 2008 […]

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