rocknroll photographer to the stars


WE GOT ANOTHER MAGAZINE COVER!For the 24 HRS BRIDAL MAGAZINE ISSUE! 3rd largest publication in the lower Mainland!As well, the famous ‘wedding lady’, Susan, wrote up a nice phone interview she did with me.You can check it out online here and click on my bridal photo on the left hand side! I also just heard […]

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David Foster Star Search + Dalai Lama – WOW what a day!!!!!!| 09.11.06 | Vancouver wedding photographer

What a blessed life I lead. When it rains it pours!!! Today has been very magical!! This morning, I photographed both his holiness, the  Dalai Lama @ GM Place then drove to Richmond, to the River Rock Casino, to photograph this fabulous David Foster Star Search event. The beautiful dinner decor was created by none […]

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